Become a Member of BIAS
Applications for membership should be made on the appropriate forms , which should be sent to the Membership Secretary accompanied by the annual subscription detailed below. There is no joining fee. The subscriptions of those joining after October 1st will cover membership until December 31st of the following year.
Subscriptions become due on 1st January. The current rates per annum are:
Membership Type | Annual Fee |
Ordinary Membership (includes single, joint and company) | £15 |
Retired Membership (includes single and joint) | £13 |
Student (under 18, and full time students over 18) | £10 |
Please note
- Joint members pay only one membership fee and receive only one copy of publications
- Retired membership is available to those eligible to receive State Retirement Pension
All cheques should be made payable to Bristol Industrial Archaeological Society. Now that our bank branch has closed, we process cheques by scanning them. So please write the date and amount clearly. Thank you.
Download Membership Application Form