Owen Ward died at the weekend, in hospital of pneumonia.
You will all be aware of Owen’s contribution to BIAS both on the committee and in the society over many years. He was a founder member and was a prolific writer for the Journal, writing 17 articles mostly about mills. He was on the editorial board for the Journal and traditionally proof-read it. In fact Owen had actually checked the first six pages of the latest Journal and arranged for Stuart to complete it before he went into hospital!
There will be a private family funeral but Leila his wife is organising a public event to celebrate Owen’s life with a buffet and so on for family and friends – by which she includes BIAS members who might like to come along. The event is at Odd Down Sports Ground Hall, Chelwood Drive, Odd Down, BATH BA2 2PR at 2.30 p.m. on Sunday May 12th 2019.