February 2020 20/00691/F | Proposed development of a single dwelling (Use Class C3) with associated external works (Self Build). | 6-8 Belgrave Hill Bristol BS8 2UA
One house this time.
July 2019 19/03178/F | Proposed development of 2 No. Use Class C3 dwellings with associated external alterations. | 6-8 Belgrave Hill (also Known As Land On North Side Of Belgrave Hill) Bristol BS8 2UA. Very similar to last application. Key differences
- Change of address from ‘Land on North Side of Belgrave Hill’ to ‘6-8 Belgrave Hill’;
- The two proposed dwellings would each be one-bedroom plus a study compared with the previous application 18/02902/F, which proposed two no. two-bedroom dwellings;
- Further information has been submitted in respect of highway matters.
Refused by Committee on 16 October 2019, due to not meeting current housing space standards. It was not acceptable to change a bedroom to a study to make it meet space standards!
July 2018 18/02902/F | The Proposed development of 2 no. Use Class C3 dwellings with associated external alterations. | Land On North Side Of Belgrave Hill Bristol Comments by 11 July. Deferred until 9 January 2019 to check width of road and insurance. More voted against! Refused due to not meeting current housing space standards, and losing parking spaces.
December 2017 All of the planning conditions have been decided upon by Planning. Many were not discharged (e.g insurance) and consequently the original Planning Application has now run out. The details are visible on the planning portal.
Mr King the land owner is now taking time to consider his options. Highways Dept have insisted the fencing remains for safety reasons.
This is “back to square one” for this site but the inexorable rise in land prices and the desireability of the area mean that someone, or Mr King, will one day file a new application. We need to be prepared.
May 2016: sold before auction at suggested price £145,000
Failing to sell the site at auction in Bristol in 2015, was unloaded for £70,000 through a London auctioneer early in 2016.
3rd June 2014: Application No. 14/02366/F Proposal: Proposed development of 2 no. Use Class C3 dwellings with associated external works. Site Address: Land On North Side Of Belgrave Hill Bristol application considered by the Development Control Committee B at its meeting on Wednesday 12 November 2014. Granted Words fail me.
Since the previously refused application, the number of dwellings proposed for the site has been reduced from three to two and the applicant has carried out significant further investigation into the land stability matters. The Council’s consultant structural engineer/ geologist has advised that the land stability issues can be satisfactorily addressed through appropriate planning conditions, including a condition requiring details to be submitted of an insurance policy in which the City Council would be a named party, allowing a claim to be made in the event that the Council needed to make the site safe at any stage. This is consistent with the approach taken on similar developments elsewhere in the city where land stability has been a key issue.
Application no. 11/04256/F
Site address: Land On North Side Of Belgrave Hill Bristol
Proposal: Redevelopment of existing vacant site for 3no. two bedroom dwelling houses with associated external amenity space, refuse and cycle storage.
Refused. This application was considered by the Development Control (Central) Committee at its meeting on Wednesday 31 October 2012. A unanimous decision.
April 2012: Withdrawn!
Angry Clifton residents campaigned to stop houses being built next door to a disused quarry face. Featured in the Evening Post.