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Association for Industrial Archaeology Heritage at Risk 2009 January

Jan 09: English Heritage have now extended its Heritage at Risk Register to include Scheduled Monuments, Registered parks and Gardens, Registered Battlefields and Protected Wrecks. There is also a list of 212 sites found on the register deemed to be of industrial archaeological interest and therefore of concern to us all. This can be found on the AIA’s website: It is up to individuals in each area to take action, rally support and make a case for the rescue and preservation of sites they believe to be important. The local sites are:

City of Bristol Bristol Carriage Works, Westmoreland House,
104 Stokes Croft, St Pauls BS6 5NP. Grade II*. Very Bad. Contact: Justin Ayton
0117 975 0687
Carriage works, 1862. A notable Bristol Byzantine building. Large and complex site including 4 Ashley Road (grade II) also in very bad condition. Planning application 07/05763/F for mixed use development has been submitted. Part refurbishment and part demolition of existing buildings to provide 186 self-contained flats and shops at ground level with provision of a three level parking facility
North Somerset Nailsea Elms Colliery. Poor. Not listed. Contact: Mel Barge,
0117 975 1300
One of the most complete examples of a late C18 colliery remaining in England. Three standing structures and further exposed archaeological remains. All buildings unroofed, derelict and subject to neglect and vandalism. Discussions taking place for colliery to be handed over to the Nailsea Historic Monuments Trust.
Weston Super Mare Birnbeck Pier Very Bad. Grade II*. Contact: Arnold Root,
0117 975 0665
Main pier connecting Birnbeck Island to the mainland below Prince Consort Gardens. Dated 1862, opened 1867. Disused apart from the lifeboat station on the island. Ownership recently changed and positive negotiations taking place between Local Planning Authority, owner, English Heritage and others about repair of pier and development of island.
South Gloucestershire Pucklechurch Brandy Bottom Colliery Very Bad Contact: Mel Barge,
0117 975 1300
(Will Harris is also involved)
Former C19 steam-powered colliery built on the site of C18 colliery. Above-ground remains include weighbridge, chimney, engine house, workshop, heapstead, boiler house and Cornish beam engine house, fan house and horizontal-winding engine house. A condition survey has been commissioned and consultation on the scope of a conservation plan is underway.