These show the city docks while still working and were taken by him or his father over a long period of time. Such as pictures of the ‘Harry Brown’ sand dredger on its first trip out to sea, pictures of the city docks with shipping, Avonmouth docks, and various shots of industry around Bristol. Many of his stories revolve around the brewery and the pubs of Bristol, his father and his family were all publicans etc. so trips to the brewery were not uncommon. He can even remember the Georges greys.

Cranes in 1960’s

1960’s, looking from above redcliffe caves towards prince street bridge which is open

1960’s, The one of the Irene is looking across at the mud dock, the trees of queens square in the background
These again were taken by my father in the early sixties. I am not sure whether it was the first working outing of the ‘Harry Brown’, but was very early in her life. The Brown brothers used to have the occasional trip out on the boat for pleasure. I understand that the interior was rather good.

Industrial scenes along side the Avonside Wharf looking from inside the old Midland Rly canal goods transship shed. To the right through the opening you can see the blue brick arched bridge taking the railway track above into Temple Meads. To the left you can see the girder bridge that is above the old arches leading towards Avon St and below this are 16 ton coal wagons on some of the old wharf side lines. taken in the 50’s. Robin Gay worked in the area in the early 80s and confirms the old black goods transship shed was still there as were the railway lines and still in use supplying Blue Circle Cement with a through line into the Distillers Co.

A view of the dock at Avon Street, used to be the end of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Railway in Avon Street and a picture of what I believe is Cumberland lock