- general planning information
- Applications currently or recently being considered by BIAS
- Planning Policies
- Communities and Local Government
- Bristol City Council planning online shows application details and enables you to comment on them
- Planningfinder.co.uk is a free to use internet portal for everyone. They send you an email whenever a planning application is submitted close to your registered postcode. PlanningFinder works by searching for applications on local authorities’ websites and then calculates which ones are close to you. The service is for anyone who values their environment, be it town or country, who wants to know about changes which could affect the character of their locality.
- Bristol Neighbourhood Planning Network Bristol NPN is a voluntary, self-help network of neighbourhood based, resident Ied groups within Bristol who are or want to be involved in the planning of their area either through the production of a local plan and/or making comments upon planning applications.
- Planning Aid is a voluntary service offering free, independent and professional advice on town planning matters to community groups and individuals who cannot afford to employ a planning consultant.
- Network of Residents’ Association (includes section on housing legislation)
- Bristol City Council
- Campaign for Planning Sanity– free advice line for local communities and campaign groups affected by adverse planning
- Planning Inspectorate. Gives notes for the guidance of Inspectors as well as for the campaigners for appeals and public inquiries
- The Open Spaces Society. This society protects common land and public rights of way; it can also help to register a new ‘green’.